This product has been replaced by PWR-UK-M
The PWR-UK-B power receptacle is an adaptor designed for use with International version QuickMedia® FlipTop boxes. Every International FlipTop is furnished with a power receptacle adapter appropriate for the country or region in which it will be used.
The PWR-UK-B is not sold individually.
Rating: 10 Amps at 250 Volts.
Applicable Countries: Anguilla, Bahrain, Botswana, Burma (Myanmar), Cyprus, Dominica, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Iraq, Ireland, Kenya, Kuwait, Liberia, Malawi, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritius, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Oman, Qatar, St. Kits-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Yemen, Zambia, and Zimbabwe